The Big Freeze has teamed up with the illustrious Nike to premier the latest attraction in footwear, the Nike Zoom KD9. Responsive, natural, and light as air, the innovative shoe embodies the best characteristics of its muse, NBA MVP and Olympic Gold medalist Kevin Durant. Following suit, The Big Freeze set out to create a custom system with similar qualities, and the laudable result was showcased at the Nike Zoom KD9 premier at Niketown in New York City. Our 9-foot array displayed 24 cameras, ingeniously mounted to the bottom of the system and then directed upward in order to capture the real heroes of the shot, the SHOES!
We emphasized a strobe effect with ceiling-high, solid black draping, which produced highly dramatic frozen-motion images for the premier attendees. Our easy and accessible social media sharing options were taken to the next level as the frozen moments were broadcasted through a social digital billboard on 34th and 6th street in the heart of Manhattan. The stunning captures were fed live to the large vertical billboard, virtually stopping time, and attracting an entirely new market of viewers and passive participants in the truly one-ofa-kind Big Freeze experience.