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Jeep on the Rocks - III

The Big Freeze was honored to join the annual Jeep On the Rocks summer concert series for the second year in a row at one of the most magical locations on the planet, Red Rocks Amphitheatre. Perhaps the most beautiful concert venue in the world, and once listed as a Seven Wonder, Red Rocks has hosted music’s most renowned acts, including The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, and U2, and now The Big Freeze can be a part of that long list of music royalty. The frigid Colorado cold and snow could not stop the crowds from coming out in droves to partake in the festivities. Bands Walk the Moon and Fitz and the Tantrums brought the house down with their energetic and effervescent entertainment, and the rollicking good time continued for concert fans as they made their way to The Big Freeze. We created a 180-degreee, 27-foot curved array, with 48 cameras positioned on a ramp angled to capture all of the magnificent detail of the natural wonder surrounding us. The backdrop was a statuesque white Jeep Wrangler, the hero of the shot, adorned with special lighting to highlight every angle and positioned to jut out against a backdrop of dramatic, towering, red sandstone rocks. We saw flips, jumps, partner choreography, epic high fives and more as friends piled in to snag their frozen moment souvenir from a night they won’t soon forget. Even band members from Walk the Moon couldn’t resist the opportunity to work it for the cameras! As fast as the sweet sounds of music travelled throughout the acoustically perfect amphitheater, visitor captures travelled to the corners of the world with our easily accessible and instant social sharing options. Page views from the event are over 18,000 and rising, and fans are still sharing their Big Freeze experience with their favorite social media platforms, with over 600 shares and counting, helping us affirm the majesty of the event. All was quiet at 1:00 am as we drove down the mountain, but The Big Freeze gallery tells the true tale of a rowdy night of regalement.