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Eeeeeatscon is the ultimate foodie destination, and The Big Freeze came in for a slice of the pie! Structured like a music festival but with the hottest restaurants from New York and beyond taking center stage, Eeeeeatscon showcases some of the biggest names in food and drink. The food festival was held in the famous former tennis stadium turned music venue, Forest Hills Stadium in Queens, New York, which has hosted acts such as The Beatles, Frank Sinatra, Diana Ross and Jimi Hendrix. The festival also brings in motivational speakers, musical acts and entertainment to take the event to the next level, and The Big Freeze was ready for the action.

We created a custom truss, low to the ground and equipped with 36 DSLR cameras, which resulted in the perfect 180-degree shot. The background was a display of giant letters spelling Eeeeeatscon and the perfect October New York weather. The Big Freeze was there for the duration of the festival, and we captured hundreds of boisterous Eeeeeatscon festivalgoers who were eager to share their unique frozen moment.