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Baylor Scott & White

The Big Freeze is proud to be a part of the visionary experience that is The Star District in Frisco, Texas. Home to the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters, The Star hosts world-class shopping, entertainment, and dining, as well as the game-changing sports-performance and healthcare destination, Baylor Scott & White Sports Therapy & Research. The Big Freeze paired up with the revolutionary healthcare collaborative to showcase their advanced technology with ours!

The Big Freeze constructed an array 20 feet in diameter, with 60 cameras strategically angled to capture epic hero shots of the talent selected to represent future patients for the new cutting-edge Baylor facility. A wide array of sports injuries were highlighted to showcase the impressive range of possible treatment plans made available by the therapy destination. The Big Freeze captured the effects in striking high definition, and then edited in the informative metrics to create an impressive video reel to be played in the reception area of the clinic. The creative will be used to boast the grand opening of the revolutionary Baylor Scott & White treatment and research center.

The Big Freeze technology captured the action to highlight and dramatize how sports therapy and research can bring each patient back to their peak. The finely-detailed video provides a futuristic glimpse of the livelihood sports therapy can provide, and the endless capabilities of inventive technology by The Big Freeze.